You may not have noticed, but here are some people who have.
These are just the links from the last day or two. The book was released on Tuesday and has been flying off the shelves. announced on their website that due to the controversial nature of the book, all profits from sales would go to Compassion International.
And if you missed it, there was this hard-hitting (and a bit bizarre) interview by MSNBC host Martin Bashir.
The Christian blogosphere is all a twitter about this. And a friend from church who is currently serving overseas with the military sent me a Facebook message about it.
So, I broke down and bought the book. I’m reading it and I will let everyone know what I think in a series of upcoming posts.
For those who don’t know who Rob Bell is, he is a pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has written a number of controversial books but this one has really caused a stir.
Harper Collins, who publishes the book, must be loving it. Currently, Bell’s book is #2 on the bestseller list. It will quickly eclipse his other books in sales, guaranteeing that Rob Bell will keep stirring up controversy and they will keep profiting from it.
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