Why should we have one pastor (or more) who is paid while the rest of the elders are volunteers? That’s a question I have contemplated a lot; and it is one I had to wrestle with since – well – I’m a paid pastor. Ultimately, it boils down to the New Testament. The Apostle Paul… Read More »
A lot of times, people will come to me or to one of the elders and ask about something. Our natural reaction is to make a decision on the spot, but in reality, we do not have that authority. Unless the leadership community has made a decision and/or invested further decisions for a specific area… Read More »
Elder leadership is not a committee-run church. It is also not a board, like the boards in large corporations. It is leadership by community. com·mu·ni·ty (kə-myōō’nĭ-tē) n. pl. com·mu·ni·ties a. A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay community; the community of color. b. Similarity or identity: a community of interests.… Read More »
Someone once asked me if the way we do church leadership is ‘by committee’ because we have five elders who lead our church instead of having a single pastor. It struck me as an odd question, but it is a good one. Often, when you get a group of human beings together and give them… Read More »